Kids Corner
Welcome to Kids Ahoy Children's Page.
You will find a variety of information on this page as well as some activities for you to do with your children on the bottom of the page. There will be announcements posted on this page.
What the kids are learning.
The two year old classroom is learning their manners, sharing, and taking turns. We are working with the older two's on potty training. We work on learning our shapes, colors and counting to ten.
The preschool classrooms are always busy by learning how to spell their names, and tracing their names. They always do a letter of the week and learn what starts with that letter. They do a daily circle time that includes a calendar, flashcards and practice counting to 10.
The Pre-k children are getting ready to go to kindergarten are learning how to write their names, sight words, and learning the rules of a classroom by going over them everyday.
Some things to do with your children:
Simple counting games like counting all of their chicken nuggets or different types of toys. This will help them in their math skills later in life.
Telling your child what toys to clean up first while cleaning up will help so it does not seem to be such a big task.
We are now accepting gently used toys or clothes donations for all age groups, we are in need of tricycles, and outdoor riding toys. If you have anything you would like to donate please just come by anytime. Thanks!!!
Please make sure your child has a change of clothes at school. You never know when they might sit in a puddle, spill milk in their lap or have that occasional potty accident. Also, on snowy days, if the temperature allows we will go outside. So, please send appropriate outdoor clothes for those days.
Click on The Link Below and Have FUN !!!!!!
Coloring Pages:
Resource Pages: